Redefining your customer experiences with Jasnita CX solutions.

  • 2024

    Release DateDescription
    2024-05-27Deed May 13th 2024Download
    2024-05-14Summary AGMS 13th May 2024Download
    2024-05-02Meeting Agenda May 13 2024Download
    2024-04-18Convocation AGMS May 13th 2024Download
    2024-04-03Announcement AGMS May 13th 2024Download
  • 2023

    Release DateDescription
    2023-11-24Announcement Summary of EGMS November 23, 2023Download
    2023-10-17Announcement to Shareholders EGMS November 23, 2023Download
    2023-06-23Announcement Summary AGMS June 22 2023Download
    2023-05-31Convocation AGMS June 22 2023Download
    2023-05-23Meeting Agenda AGMS 2023Download
    2023-05-16Announcement AGMS 2023Download
    2023-01-11Convocation EGMS November 23 2023Download
    2023-01-11Agenda of EGMS November 23, 2023Download
  • 2022

    Release DateDescription
    2022-12-06Announcement of Summary EGMS Desember 5 2022Download
    2022-11-28Convocation Second EGMS December 5, 2022Download
    2022-11-23Summary of General Meeting Shareholders 22 November 2022Download
    2022-10-31Convocation EGMS 22 November 2022Download
    2022-10-14Announcement EGMS 22 November 2022Download
    2022-07-21Summary of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders July 20, 2022Download
    2022-06-30Code of Conduct Download
    2022-06-30Power of Attorney AGMS 20 July 2022Download
    2022-06-28Explanation Agenda Of AGMS 20 Juli 2022Download
    2022-06-28Convocation AGMS 20 Juli 2022Download
    2022-06-13Announcement to Shareholder AGMS 20 Juli 2022 Download
    2022-04-28Summary of Minutes of the Company's Third Extraordinary GMSDownload
    2022-04-14Convocation Third EGMS 26 April 2022Download
    2022-01-27Convocation Second EGMS 2022Download
    2022-01-17Announcement Summary of Minutes EGMS 13 January 2022Download
    2022-01-11Correction of Invitation EGMS 2022Download
  • 2021

    Release DateDescription
    2021-12-22Convocation EGMS 2021Download
    2021-12-07Pengumuman RUPS LB Download
    2021-09-02Announcement Summary of Second EGMS Download
    2021-08-25Convocation Second EGMS Download
    2021-08-25Agenda Second EGMS September 1 2021Download
    2021-07-21Convocation AGMS 2020 & EGMS 2021Download
    2021-07-21Explanation Agenda AGMS 2020 & EGMS 2021Download
    2021-07-06Announcement AGMS 2020 EGMS 2021Download
  • 2020

    Release DateDescription
    2020-08-18Announcement Summary of Minutes of AGMS 2020Download
    2020-08-07Announcement to Shareholder AGMS 2020Download
    2020-07-22Convocation of AGMS 2020Download
    2020-04-21Announcement of Summary EGMS 2020Download
    2020-03-26Convocation EGMS 2020Download
    2020-03-11Announcement to Shareholder of EGMS 2020Download